

Multi-Store provide secure, flexible and convenient self storage solutions at affordable prices in Guildford and Aldershot. Below we have compiled a list of 10 different situations in which you can benefit from having access to extra storage space:

When you are moving house -

This is one of the most common situations for which we see self storage being used. Financial complications involved with moving properties can sometimes mean that there is a delay between moving out of your previous home and moving into your new one. When stuck in this difficult in between stage, secure and reliable self storage offers the perfect solution. 

Extra space can also come in useful when downsizing. Large items, such as expensive or sentimental pieces of furniture, may not fit in a new property. Renting a self storage unit will mean you do not have to sell items such as these or throw them away.

When you are undergoing home improvements -

Builders and decorators working on your home might make it look beautiful when it is finished, but they can often be very messy along the way! Precious items of furniture, or delicate ornaments, risk having splashes of paint spilled on them, or being scraped by tools and equipment. To put your mind at rest, store valuable, irreplaceable items in short term storage.

When you run out of space -

We are always accumulating more and more stuff. Items come in and out of fashion, it can be a constant battle to keep up with the new trends. Some old items we are happy to throw away, or recycle, but this can sometimes be difficult with items that hold sentimental value. With a self storage unit, when you run out space, you have greater control over which items you need to throw away, and which items you want to hold onto, as they may be potentially useful in the future.

When you are going travelling -

Whether you are a student taking a gap year before beginning work, or perhaps you are taking a much needed break from your career, you will need somewhere secure to store your belongings for when you choose to return home. By leaving items in self storage, you can travel with your mind at ease, knowing that you will have access to your safe and sound belongings whenever you come back home.

University students returning home for summer -

Students tend not to stay living in one property during their time at university, typically moving into new flats/houses for the start of each year. Over the long summer holidays this often means temporarily moving back home with parents. Rather than having to lug heavy electrical items or furniture back and forth each summer, it might make more sense for students to rent a personal storage unit instead. 

We know money can be tight for students, which is why at Multi-Store we offer a student self storage discount!

You need somewhere to store your garden furniture -

We have just enjoyed a lovely long hot summer where many people purchased new garden furniture and BBQs. However, with winter now nearly upon us, you might be facing the dilemma of how to store it out of the cold and wet weather. We don’t all have suitably sized sheds/garages to store furniture in, and even if we do, items stored in sheds are still susceptible to damp. To protect your brand new garden furniture why not consider a self storage unit for winter?

There is a baby on the way -

A new addition to the family will require a few changes around the house. That spare guest room you had might soon become the baby’s room, meaning the bed and furniture might have to be replaced with something for suitable for a little person. Spare beds and wardrobes can always come in handy at some point though, so rather than throw them away, why not keep them in your self storage unit? Our facilities are perfect for storing furniture!

You are going through a divorce -

On a slightly less positive note, going through a separation with a long term partner can be a difficult time where practical arrangements have to be reached over shared items. In complicated situations, this can take a while. A temporary self storage unit could be the ideal short term solution to hold on to shared items, until pragmatic agreements can be made.

You need somewhere to store stock for your business -

A key way local businesses can profit from self storage solutions is by using a storage unit to hold stock. It will enable greater flexibility for your business, as you have the option to bulk buy stock when it is cheap and store it until it can be sold. Furthermore, it will mean you never have to throw away profitable stock due to a lack of space.

You need somewhere to store office furniture -

Office furniture and equipment is a necessity for most businesses but it does not come cheap. If you are moving offices, similar to if you are moving house, you might need somewhere to temporarily store your office furniture until the move is complete. Business storage units can be the perfect solution to avoid you having to buy brand new office furniture all over again. 

Those are just 10 scenarios in which you could benefit from self storage services. Whatever it is you use your space for, make sure you choose a safe and secure facility such as Multi-Store. Multi-Store have top of the range self storage facilities in Guildford and Aldershot, catering for personal, business and student use. Visit our website to make a quote, or call us now on one of our numbers provided below.

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    During seasonal changes, not only does the climate vary, but also our routine, in terms of food we eat and even the way they dress. 

    When summer arrives, for example, we should consider some changes in our wardrobe: look for new bathing suits and put away the coats. If in your case you need to rent a storage room to store your winter clothes, we have listed some tips to keep your clothes in a storage room in a perfect condition and find it exactly as you left it.

    To organize and save space in your storage

    . Stack the clothes and store it in boxes. This way your clothes will not wrinkle, it will take only the necessary space and it will be in a certain order. 

    . Label the boxes. If you are going to stack your winter clothes by category, put a label on each of the groups so that when you need something specific, you can easily find it.

    To maintain fresh smell of the clothes

    . Wash all the clothes with some detergent and avoid using softeners or bleach before storing the clothes in a storage room. 

    . Make sure all the clothes you are going to store are dry.

    . Keep clothes in boxes made from breathable material (those can be wooden boxes).

    To protect your clothes

    . Distribute mothproof bags in bags or boxes. This way you will protect your clothes of those holes that usually appear when the clothes are stored for a longer period of time. Another option you can use is lavender. In addition to protection from moths, it keeps your clothes smelling fresh. 

    . Get rid of the stains. If the clothes have a fresh stain, we recommend that you get rid of the stains before storing the clothes in a storage room. Conversely, when you want to reuse that item of clothing, it will be relatively impossible to remove the stain once it is dry.

    . Keep clothes in cloth bags. As long as it is possible, you should use cloth bags as this type of material allows material to breathe.

    To keep the color of the clothing

    . Save clothes before ironing it. This way you avoid staining the clothes and it helps you keep its original color for much longer.

    To save only the necessary

    . Take the opportunity and categorizes your winter clothes: Separate those items that you will continue using from those you will not. When you have set apart the clothes that you are definitely not going to use, you can donate it to those in need. This way you will save space in your storage room and give a second chance to those blankets and coats that no longer fit or you no longer like them. 

    Once spring arrives, it is time to get to work and make some changes in your closet. In case you are considering storing winter clothes in a storage room, we assure you that following the tips we have listed above, you will find your clothes in excellent condition, with a pleasant fragrance and in its original color.

    In Multistore Selfstore, we have storage arrangement of different sizes according to what you want. Compare our measure guide, and choose what you need to store your clothes or whatever else you would like to store.

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      Good weather is the ideal time to remodel our home: a lick of paint to the walls of the dining room and the other rooms, placing parquet floor or making a general remodelling are among the tasks we usually carry out.However, if the remodelling goes beyond a re-decoration or change of furniture, it will be necessary to safe and prevent them from suffering any damage. It may be not enough to cover them with sheets or plastic protectors because paint can stain them or suffer any unexpected mishap. This is why the use of a box room or furniture warehouse justifies the temporary store of some furniture and decoration objects, or even to save those that we will not need any more for a longer time.


      . Prepare one preliminary list of all your furniture and objects that you are going to save to know the space you will need and its cost. 

      . Get the necessary and appropriate packing material for each type of object: boxes, bubble plastics, padded bags and everything that helps you organise and better protect the decoration objects you want to keep.

      . Organise the space depending on the size and volume of your furniture to optimise the space. If they are cupboards, use the inside to store boxes.

      . Label all boxes appropriately. At first glance, the shape and size of the box can tell you what is inside. Nonetheless, the fact is that we all have more things than we think and although at the beginning we may believe we have everything under control, preparing the last boxes hastily and without any coherent criterion can be detrimental to us. Anyway, it is easy to indicate the contents of the box, and we can save much time later.

      . Once the works finish, we can move everything gradually and unhurriedly again, since the rent of these spaces is made according to the needs of its clients. In case that some of the furniture does not fit after the remodelling or move, you can save it again and make use of it as soon as possible.

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        Are you about to introduce a new furry friend into your household? Bringing home a puppy is hugely exciting (especially if it is your first!), but a little preparation is needed to make sure things go smoothly. 

        So how can you best prepare your house for a puppy? Follow these tips to make sure you create the best space possible for your new excitable best friend.

        Clean the House

        For a young puppy exploring the world, everything needs to be chewed. It’s part of their playful and curious nature. To prepare for this, before bringing the new pup home have a big clean of your house, making sure the floors are clear of debris and anything potentially harmful. Where possible, try and elevate electrical wires. 

        In addition to this, buying some dog-friendly chew toys will give them something they can safely get their teeth around.

        Stair Gates

        Preparing the home for a new inquisitive puppy is similar to making a home toddler-proof. For when you are not there to supervise, putting up a baby stair gate is a good way to ensure they do not get up to any mischief upstairs where the environment may not be as puppy friendly. The last thing you want is to find your puppy has chewed up your shoes left on the bedroom floor or, even worse, a phone charger cable!

        Dog Crates

        A dog crate can be a great training tool and be a safe space for a young pup. Dogs hate going to the toilet in their own bed, so in the first few weeks a crate is an ideal toilet training aid, while they adjust to their new routine. 

        Not only this, but they can be useful for getting outdoors too. You can put your puppy in the crate to take it in the car with you, out on adventures to explore new sights and sounds.

        Create Space & Protect Your Valuables

        Even with a toy to chew on, excitable and inquisitive young puppies will inevitably find something else to get its jaws around. This ‘something else’ might end up being your most valuable furniture, a family heirloom or something precious. To avoid this, for the first few months of having the puppy in your home, it might be a good idea to keep these precious items out of the way. 

        In addition, a puppy needs space to play and explore. You will also need to create a space for a bed, in a pup-friendly room.

        A self storage unit can be a great way to protect valuable items for a short while, until you are confident your new puppy is safe to be around them. In doing so, you will also create more space in the home, which can be dedicated to your new furry friend, to sleep and play in.

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          If you are reading this article it’s probably because you have realised that you own too many things. Storage units are great for storing that unused clutter. Instead of taking those items to a landfill or giving them away, why not store them in a clean and safe environment instead? Before filling your storage unit with halloween decorations and unused garden furniture, here are a few things that you might want to think about.

          Label Your Items

          Now you have got rid of all those boxes out of your home, maybe it’s time you put them into an organised storage unit instead? You can go through all your old belongings and organise them into specific boxes. This means that when it comes to christmas you will know which box will have all your tangled christmas lights in. The most effective way is to label your belongings. Go buy some sticky labels and categorise your boxes and belongings or even just write on the box what is inside.

          Add Some Shelves

          To truly maximise your floor space in your storage unit, you might consider opting for some shelves. This will help to keep you organised, you could have specific items for different levels on the shelves. You can always measure your free space to find out what shelving is best for you.

          Make it Accessible

          When planning out the accessibility of your storage unit, you need to think about where the items will be placed and how easy it is to get to. Place the items that you use on a regular basis near the entrance of your storage unit. Even if you haven’t opted for shelving in your storage unit you can still organise the space and maximise floor space. Place your boxes around the wall of your unit for ease of accessibility for the items and also for floor space.

          Dismantle Large Items

          This may sound like a lot of effort but even by taking the legs off that old dining room table can give you much more room. If you can take it apart and at some point in the future be able to assemble it again then start dismantling to save space.

          Be Clear on What you Want to Store

          We have video CCTV surveillance and smoke and fire detection alarm systems directly connected to Redcare, all monitored 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. You hold the only key to your unit. We do ask that you check out are FAQ section and make sure you know the rules when it comes to what you can and cannot store.

          Just call us within business hours Monday -Friday 8am-5pm (or by appointment),

          FREEPHONE 01483 456865 or +44 483 456 865 from abroad.

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            The rental of storage rooms and containers in our city is increasingly common and widespread due to the many advantages involved.

            Whether because we are moving house, making room for a bigger family (and all the children’s furniture and accessories that entails) or have taken up a hobby (bicycle, skis, diving equipment, surfboard, etc.), we don’t have quite enough space at home and renting additional space becomes the best solution.

            Besides being free of moisture, with 24-hour access and video surveillance, we can choose the sizes that best suit our needs at very reasonable prices. We can also rent them only for the time we need them.

            Something that we don’t think about often when searching for and choosing a storage room to rent is the advantage involved in being able to access it directly with our car or truck, which lets us unload our furniture and boxes directly without having to move them from the car park to the allocated space.

            At Multistore in Shalford and Guildford, we have 10 m2 and 15 m2 storage rooms with direct access to help you to load and unload your things as much as possible.

            Also, for your piece of mind, we have the most affordable insurance plans in the sector, costing you only for £3.50 /month per thousand value insured.

            Rent your storage room now. It is the most practical and affordable way to store your belongings.

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              When looking for self-storage solutions, you will come across a variety of options available to you. These can range from self-storage lockers to self-storage containers, helping to keep your belongings safe for as long as you need. You can store bedding, furniture, clothes, seasonal decorations and much more in these units, providing many people with a much-needed storage space.

              Whilst our services are easy to access, we understand that some of our customers may have questions regarding our self-storage services. So here is your Multistore guide to self-storage containers.

              WHAT ARE THEY?

              Self-storage containers are a type of facility utilised by individuals and businesses alike in order to store excess belongings for a certain period of time. These containers are often converted from old buildings or built specifically for storage purposes and will be made up of a number of levels, with each container stored on top of another. 

              Self-storage containers are also easily transportable, secured with locking bars and a steel body, both of which are extremely difficult to break into. So, whatever you decide to store in there, you can guarantee your belongings are safe.

              WHY USE THEM?

              There are many reasons why people utilise self-storage containers with Multistore, but the main ones are:

              Our self-storage containers are perfect for those wanting to reduce the mess in your house but aren’t ready to part with those belongings just yet. Items that are used infrequently, such as Christmas decorations, are perfect to place in storage when they’re not needed. 

              If you’re moving out of an old property and into a new one, but have found yourself with time to spare in-between, these self-storage containers are ideal to keep your belongings safe before you move in. They can be hired on a weekly basis and are there for you to use on a short or long-term basis.

              HOW CAN I RENT ONE?

              Self-storage containers can easily be rented out with Multistore and are available to customers nationwide. You can choose from a wide variety of container sizes, ranging from 40 square feet up to 160 square feet, just let us know which one suits you best. From there, we’ll provide you with a weekly quote and you can decide whether you’d like to continue. Let us know how long you’d like to rent a self-storage container for and we can tell you our availability. 

              Once you’ve decided to rent your self-storage container with Multistore, you can start filling it up. We allow a wide range of items but there are a few that aren’t permitted in our storage containers. For example, firearms, stolen items, animals, chemicals and explosives are prohibited. If we find any of these items in your rented storage container, we will revoke your access.

              At Multistore, you can gain 24/7 entry to your self-storage container, with no extra charges. We are also very flexible and can easily extend or shorten your stay upon request. Multistore offer a wide variety of self-storage solutions for our customers across the UK, get in touch if you’d like to find out more.

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                Its approaching that time of year again, the leaves are changing colour, it’s getting darker in an evening. Halloween is fast approaching, but do you feel in the spooky mood? Maybe the biggest scare you have seen is the piles of unused clutter stacked high in your spare room or garage.

                We have some spooky suggestions for you that can help with your storage needs and also will help you get in the mood for halloween.

                Storage ideas with no scare involved

                As you progress through life you tend to find that you accumulate more and more items. Even if you change your home or location you will be followed by all manner of personal possessions. It would be fantastic to be able to keep everything you have ever owned in your home, however it’s never quite as simple as that. Why not take advantage of one of our self storage rooms or self storage containers? This would be ideal for keeping your big and small items stored safe and secure. Here are a few storage ideas in preparation for storing your unwanted items and your halloween decorations.

                If you have any enquiries about our storage then contact your nearest Multi store facility or you can email us on

                Now as promised something to get you in the spooky mood. Let us tell you about a haunted storage unit that might give you a fright. We can all imagine a self storage unit at night may be a little spooky, all those items with all those memories stored away in giant metal coffins. There is a self storage unit called Armadillo self storage facility which is claimed to be one of the scariest haunted places in Sheffield. The self storage facility has not been there long, but on the same spot of land use to lay an old cinema. Reports suggest that there has been eerie sightings tied to its former manager, Mr Porter. There has been multiple sightings of the late Mr Porter at the self storage facility; he sometimes appears as a strange, ethereal vision, vibrations in the floor, flashing lights or simply an old man walking around. It has been reported that Mr Porter used to run the projector in the cinema, and on multiple occasions, strange sounds have been heard coming from the old projector room. Spooky stuff!

                Why not lay your unused item to rest in one of our Multi-store storage units? To talk to us all about our self storage services then you call our Guildford store on 01483 456865 or Multi-store Aldershot on 01252343415.

                Thankfully, both our self storage facilities in Guildford and Aldershot have not had any reports of any paranormal activities. We have video CCTV surveillance and smoke and fire detection alarm systems directly connected to Redcare, all monitored 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. You hold the only key to your unit. If you would like anymore information about our facilities then please call our Multi-store Guildford on 01483 456865 or Multi-store Aldershot on 01252343415 or email us on One final question: Why did the ghost go to the bar? …To get some boos.

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                  Top 5 Self Storage Christmas Tips for Students

                  Are you a student counting down the days until Christmas? If you’ve been living in your student home or flat and have gradually seen your belongings start to take over your space it may be time for you to do something about it!

                  If your accommodation requires you to remove your belongings over the holidays, then this can be a very stressful situation to be in! That’s why we here at Multistore have put together some tips for you to use in regard to moving out of your accommodation for a short period of time.

                  1. Heating

                  If you, rather than your landlord, pays for the utilities, one of the important aspects we would first note is considering turning the heating down. There’s nothing worse than coming back to your student flat to be hit with a massive heating bill which no one has been benefiting from over the last couple of weeks! Ensure the heating is set to low (not off completely as this could cause boiler problems later down the line with pipes freezing and thawing throughout the building).

                  2. It’s time for a clear out

                  You know what they say: “tidy room, tidy mind”. Now is the perfect time for you to get rid of all the clutter that’s taking up residence in your student flat. Try using platforms such as Facebook Market Place or eBay to see if you can make a little extra cash too! It will be the new year soon and that can mean a new, tidier you!

                  3. Donate

                  If you feel that the idea of selling on your possessions for a little extra cash is a bit too stressful at this time, then there is always the option to donate anything you no longer want or need. Simply go to Google and search for your local charity shop or take a wander down your local high street! Be sure to check with the charity what type of items they can and can’t accept. Don’t forget that if you’ve got unwanted foods that could spoil over the time you’re not in the house, then the local food banks may be able to take those off your hands.

                  4. Pack smart

                  When it comes to packing, we know that the best way to ensure the smoothest move is to be organised! Don’t be tempted to throw random items into random boxes as you will be kicking yourself later down the line for this! Organise boxes into different areas, for example:· Kitchen· Bathroom· Desk items· Bedding· ClothesIt may seem simple, but you’ll be surprised how often this is overlooked!

                  5. Organise your student self-storage locker

                  We here at Multistore understand that moving out can be a massive pain, especially if you’re unable bring your items to and from home! If you don’t have the car space or a place, you’re able to store your items at home, then why not check out what student self-storage solutions we have available at Multistore? We have everything from lockers to units and you get the added benefit of being able to access your possessions at any time! 

                  If you’re in the Guildford or Aldershot area, then get in contact with us at Multistore now and let’s see how we can help you.

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                    In recent years, working from home has been increasingly popular. Working from home was kickstarted by the global pandemic for many, but now, many companies have decided to let their employees work from home on a permanent basis. This could be due to the fact that it costs more to have an office space full of people. It was less common for people to work from home before the pandemic as there was no way to know if staff were finding it productive or not and whether they were able to manage their own time effectively. As the UK lifts lockdown restrictions, many employers have realised that it has actually benefited their business by letting their staff work from home. 

                    Although working from home has advantages such as cheaper lunches, no travelling time, spending more time with your loved ones and wearing comfier clothes- for some- it can be the worst factor contributing to their stress and anxiety. The question is- when you’re working from home, what separates your work life and your home life? When you are in the same environment it is difficult to let go of the feelings and thoughts you had at work and not carry them with you when you attempt to relax.

                    This blog will help you maximize your space while working from home, help you increase your productivity at work and guide you to relax after work hours.

                    The Power of Plants

                    If you have the luxury of having a separate office and living space, great! It is important to take care of your physical environment where you work as this can affect your productivity and concentration. For example, the quality of air, amount of natural light and noise are all determining factors. Having house plants in your work area can improve your concentration by 38% as well as improving the quality of air around you, so it might be worth considering getting some.

                    Colour Collaboration

                    Colours can also be powerful when decorating your office space…colours create illusions, influences emotions and set the mood. Blue, orange and green are meant to be the best for improving performance in creativity, organisation, productivity and relieving stress for working from home.

                    Quiet Time And Breaks

                    If you live with a housemate or partner who also works from home you could arrange to have quiet periods dedicated to getting work done. You could also take breaks at the same time to avoid interruptions. Remove work materials from your view (stationary etc) when taking breaks and finishing work to help separate your work and home environment.

                    Create A designated Work Zone and Relaxation Zone

                    It is just as important to create relaxation zones as it is work zones. The most important factor regarding separating the two zones is learning by association. If you bring your work tools into your relaxation zone your brain will associate the two spaces together, meaning that your stress will carry over into space which is meant to help you relax.

                    Natural Lighting

                    Just as natural lighting is best for concentration, warm and yellow-toned lighting is best for the evening- mimicking the darker evening light outside. Scents also help calm the mind, by learning to associate the candle’s scent by finishing work can help your brain distinguish the two zones and help release endorphins.

                    At The End Of The Day, Remember to Switch Off

                    Putting away work items at the end of the day when you finish could help you switch off and relax more easily. This will also help you to establish boundaries from your work life and home life.

                    Declutter and tidy up!

                    Tidy space- tidy mind! It is always best to declutter regularly and keep your space as minimalist as possible. This not only means that you know where everything is, it can also help clear your mind. As Marie Kondo says ‘Only keep things that spark joy’- don’t think about what to throw away, think about what you want to keep. 

                    If you’re having trouble parting with furniture, or simply need a place to hold all your work accessories, you can get a storage room from us to hold your loved items and furniture. Get in contact with our team now and let’s see how we can help.

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