

Clean house, clear mind – We have all heard this phrase used, but is there any truth to it? Well, according to the experts, yes there is.

How Our Self Storage Units In Guildford & Aldershot Can Help Keep Your Home Tidy

Clean house, clear mind – We have all heard this phrase used, but is there any truth to it? Well, according to the experts, yes there is. According to Dr Bourg Carter “messy homes and work spaces leave us feeling anxious, helpless and overwhelmed”. A build-up of clutter around the house is not just an eyesore – it bombards the mind with stress and makes it more difficult to relax. So, we know why we should keep a tidy house, but actually doing something about it can often prove to be the tricky part. Yet with warmer months approaching, there is no better time than now to begin your spring clean. If clutter has invaded your home and you feel the time has come to tackle it, you are in the right place, because we have put together this guide to help you get started!

How can a self storage unit help?

Before you begin to sift through piles of old belongings, we suggest that you rent a self storage unit ready to move things into. Inevitably, during your tidying you will come across items that have sentimental value and are difficult to part ways with entirely. Or perhaps, you may come across an instrument or expensive piece of sports equipment that may come in handy in the future, but you do not use regularly right now. For these items, having a self storage unit to move them into is a perfect compromise – you can declutter your home without having to throw expensive or sentimental belongings away forever!
Looking for somewhere to rent a self storage container or locker near Surrey? Multi-Store have highly secure, well maintained self storage facilities located in Guildford & Aldershot, available at very competitive prices. Click here to get a quote to move in today!
So, now you have your self storage unit, let the cleaning begin! Top Tips For Starting Your Spring Clean
Start small and regularly – Tidying your whole house does not need to be one big chore. Break it down into manageable tasks, that can be carried out over a period of time. A good way to approach this is to divide each room into small chunks of space, for instance the wardrobe, the cupboards, the shelves, etc. Aim to tidy out one small space per day. This way it will not feel like the task is taking up too much of your day at all, but you will be amazed at the transformation in just a matter of weeks!
Invite a friend over for a second opinion – You live in your home everyday so it is easy to become blind to the clutter that surrounds you. To see each room in your home subjectively, invite over a friend and ask for their opinion. They will highlight areas of the room you might have never knew needed cleaning!
The box challenge – This is a great way of keeping things organised. While clearing through a pile of belongings, set yourself up with four different boxes. Fill one with things you want to keep, one with things to go to self storage, one to go to charity and one to throw away. Think carefully about each item,if you need to keep it, does it need to be in the house or could it be stored out the way in self storage? If you do not need to keep it, could it go to charity or is it waste that needs to be thrown away?

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